Home / You can now watch the show La Ruta on ATRESplayer

You can now watch the show La Ruta on ATRESplayer

On Sunday 13 November, the first of eight episodes of La Ruta premiered on ATRESplayer. The series about the mythical ‘Ruta Destroy’ or ‘Ruta del Bakalao’ was already presented at the San Sebastian Festival, and promises to leave no one indifferent.

Costume Designer: Giovanna Ribes

Costumes: Peris Costumes

Production: Caballo Films

The series, created by Borja Soler and Roberto Martín, explores the early years of the famous Ruta, following a group of friends as they grow up and mature from club to club. We will see not only the well-known shadows of the youth of the 80s and 90s (drugs and lack of control) but also its lights and its importance as a cultural vanguard in the so-called ‘movida valenciana’. It stars Àlex Monner, Claudia Salas, Ricardo Gómez, Elisabet Casanovas and Guillem Barbosa.

Peris Costumes has been a pleasure to work with this production, delving into the Spanish techno subculture of the 80s, with all its flamboyance and extravagance.

ATRESplayer official trailer

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