Home / Peris Costumes at the Aragón Fashion Week

Peris Costumes at the Aragón Fashion Week

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have been present at the event of the Aragon Fashion Week #AragonFashionWeek. In the old Casino Mercantil, several lectures were developed

The conference “The importance of the fashion industry in stage costumes” was given by Manuela Tejero-Garcés – Designer and Project Manager at Peris Costumes and Araceli Sancho – vice-president of the Spanish Association of Headwear and regular collaborator at Peris Costumes International.

At the event they explained how the six million pieces and accessories that we store at Peris Costumes are managed, the research and design tasks that some productions require starting from scratch, etc..,

Success stories, for example, Akelarre (Nerea Torrijos – Goya Costumes 2021), and countless series and films, both national and foreign productions.

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