Home / Peris Costumes in “Classics on the screens (1975-2022)”.

Peris Costumes in “Classics on the screens (1975-2022)”.

From 25 June to 1 October, the exhibition curated by Alba Carmona and Guillermo Gómez Sánchez-Ferrer is on display at the Casa Museo Lope de Vega in Madrid. It shows the relationship between the theatre of the Golden Age and screens from that time to the present: a period in which the new comedy has been adapting to different means of cultural and artistic expression, especially in recent years, with the growth of social networks.

We are delighted to collaborate with this initiative by providing costumes from the film “Lope” by Andrucha Waddington, with costume design by Tatiana Hernández.

The exhibition consists of three sections:

Old forms and new audiences will allow us to see how during the transition some of the most fruitful lines of adaptation of previous years survived.

The revival of the classics in the last years of the 20th century, the premiere of Pilar Miró’s El perro del hortelano (1996).

The triumph of the Fénix with a focus on Lope’s prominence on the screen as a fictional character during the last two decades.

The exhibition includes projections, costumes, hand programmes, costume designs and still photos from, among others, the National Classical Theatre Company, RTVE and the National Theatre Museum (Almagro), which will illustrate the audiovisual activity of the Golden Age theatre from 1975 to the present day.

More information at https://www.casamuseolopedevega.org/es/actividades/colaboraciones-y-proyectos/668-exposicion-cine-2023

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