Correos, the Spanish postal service, has set up a space where children can recreate the magical journey that letters with their Christmas wishes and requests make from their departure in Madrid, or any other office, to the home of Father Christmas or the Three Wise Men.
Costume designer: Sonia Martínez.
The Glow group has worked on this marvellous space and like everything else at Christmas, the letters acquire magical powers and fly off to their destinations before the attentive gaze of the children. You will be able to visit several fundamental spaces for the arrival of the letters to their destinations:
- The extraordinary platform
- The good children detector
- The wish reader
- The master nose of postal quality
- The secret corridor
- The Wishing Dome
Children who cannot come to see it in person can recreate it online at:
From 20 December to 4 January, Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 2pm and from 4pm to 8pm. Sundays from 11am to 2pm.
25 December and 1 January, closed.