Following the success of ‘La casa de papel’, Netflix presents its new miniseries, Asalto al Banco Central, in November. This production, starring some of the most recognisable faces from the cast of ‘La casa de papel’, takes us into an unprecedented heist that has Spain’s recent democracy on edge.
With more than 200 hostages inside the Central Bank, the robbers demand the release of Colonel Tejero, implicated in the failed coup d’état of 23F, along with others responsible for it.
What begins as a daring robbery soon turns into a political challenge that puts the future of an entire country at stake.
The costume team, led by costume designer Mar Bardavio, has recreated the fashion of the 1980s, transporting the audience to a crucial period in Spain’s history.
The cast includes names such as Miguel Herrán (Modelo 77, A Cambio de Nada), María Pedraza (Las Niñas de Cristal, Toy Boy, Élite), and Hovik Keuchkerian, who recently presented his latest film, Un amor, at the San Sebastian Festival.