Get ready for a dystopian thriller that will leave you breathless. ‘The Rich Flu ’, the latest film by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, arrives in cinemas this 24 January 2025, from Filmax, after its outstanding participation in the Official Competition Section of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival.

With a script full of intrigue and a stunning costume design by Azagiñe Urigoitia, this Spain-Chile co-production brings together big names such as Nostromo Pictures, Fabula, Basque Films, Mamma Team Productions and Canary Pictures Vehicles.
Genre: Science fiction, thriller, intrigue.
Theme: dystopia, pandemics.
Synopsis: A deadly virus begins to spread, but it only affects the wealthiest people on the planet. Just when Laura is in the prime of her career, the pandemic soon moves on to those with more modest fortunes. The desperation to get rid of money turns into global chaos when there is no one left willing to buy.
Don’t miss this electrifying and provocative story that invites us to reflect on power, wealth and the price of survival. ‘Fever of the Rich promises to be one of the most powerful films of the year.

We are proud to be part of this great project!
🗓 24 January 2025 in cinemas.
What would you do if your wealth was the biggest threat to your life?
Watch the trailer: